How Creating a “Success Folder” Will Increase Your Confidence, Productivity and Happiness?


Raise your hand if any of these questions resonate with you!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your goals and commitments?

Have you gone through a patch of low self-confidence recently or would you like to boost your confidence before an important pitch or negotiation? 

Have you felt that you are not “productive enough” these days?

And are these thoughts and questions affecting your overall happiness?

If yes, then you know that we have all been through that phase at some point or other. I definitely have been there. 

And today, I want to share with you a tool that can come quite handy during those moments.

I call it my “Success Folder”.


So, what is a “Success Folder”?

This is a folder on your laptop, your online drive, a physical file or a box. Choose the one you prefer and can maintain it easily. This folder has a record of all your achievements and successful milestones. It can have a list of your awards, your professional recommendations or testimonials from clients and managers, photos from your important events etc. Anything that can remind you of your excellent work and your strengths, has the potential to be a part of this folder.

The idea of collecting this all in one place is to make sure that we can access all of it together when we need to.

Here is how you can use your “Success Folder” to increase your confidence, boost productivity and feel happier about your career and work?

Step 1: Create the “Success Folder”

Here are a few things that I have added to my folder.

  • Positive testimonials, kind feedback and appreciation from clients and business partners
  • Pictures from my important professional and personal milestones
  • Pictures or notes from a time when I overcame a struggle
  • A handwritten list of my achievements in my own words
  • A list of my strengths with a few examples of situations when I used those strengths to get me out of trouble or helped me grow

Here are some examples. 🙂 

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For example, when I want to boost my confidence before speaking in front of a large audience, I quickly go through photos and notes from my earlier speaking engagements. It reminds my brain that I hav done this before. Been there. Done That! 

 Step 2: Refer to your Success Folder

Whether you are having a tough day, or you are preparing for an important career event and need a confidence boost, refer to your success folder.

Going through your past achievements will remind you that if you have done this all before, you can achieve the same and even better, again.

Step 3: Update It at least Once a Month

Spend time at least once a month to update your folder. Notice and acknowledge all that you have achieved. It is okay if you feel like there is nothing new to add. Note the tiny progress that you have made to a project or a goal. 

I have noticed that regularly reminding myself of the goals I have accomplished, gives me the motivation to keep going further.

It reminds me of the opportunities I have received in the past and gives me hope that there will be others in the future.

A recap of our strengths and accomplishments also helps us keep that negative self-doubting talk in check.


Often, we are own biggest critics. while it is important to challenge ourselves and encourage ourselves to grow, it is more important to be compassionate to ourselves and appreciate all the work we do.

By appreciating where we have been, what we have done and what we do daily, we can feel more confident, productive, and happy on the way to be where we want to be.


This is all I wanted to share today. Will you take some time this week to create your folder? If you do, let me know what you added in there. I would love to hear from you. 

If you are interested in receiving more daily reminders, tools and motivation, join me at Instagram or LinkedIn, where I often run challenges and short live coaching sessions. 

So excited that you are part of this success and growth journey. 

All the best,



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