Allow Yourself

Hey Friends,

I hope that you are all keeping healthy and safe and staying indoors as much as you can, whereever you are. 

Today I am here to share one my poems with you all as a simple reminder for us to simply allow ourselves to feel whatever we are feeling in that moment.  Let us not try to fix it. Let us not try to feel positive or productive and let us definitely not try to judge ourselves or others for feeling difficult emotions. 

It is my sincere hope that this will brighten up your day. 

With lots of love,



Allow yourself

As I look Outside My Window


View from my Window.

Hey friends and family, a new poem for you today. 


I look outside my window

And see the sky with a dark looming cloud

And I also know that even though I don’t see the sun

She is still shining somewhere around


I look outside my window

And I see a big mountain I need to climb

And I also know that even though it looks high

I can conquer it one step at a time


I look outside my window

And I see a path, unknown and uncertain

And I also know that even though I don’t have a map

I can keep moving by following my intuition


I look outside my window

And I see my mistakes, failures and my lessons

And I also know that I can rise again

Just like the bright shining sun


I look outside the window

And I see that I have a long journey

And I also know my destination is

Becoming the bravest, brightest, most fabulous version of me.


Did you like this?

Now your turn – what do you see when you look outside your window? 🙂

Would love to hear from you in the comments below.

See you soon. In the next post, I am coming back with some book notes and lessons learnt. So stay tuned!

In the meantime, wishing you loads of love and many more looking outside the window moments!

Nidhi xo




Brave One


Hi again – frineds and family! How are you doing this week? 

Today, I want to share a short poem with you. 

I wrote this one day, when I was feeling a bit down and disappointed. I was waiting for a bit of validation of my work. I began journaling about it.  (Writing is my panacea). And as I was writing, I thought to myself,  why the hell should I wait for someone else’s approval. I respect my decisions, I trust my judgment and I applaud my courage. I am going to accept this myself and move forward.

I hope this reminder will lift you up today as it did to me on that day.

Here it goes!


Brave One,                                                                                                                               

Stop Asking for Validation  

Your work is beautiful     

Your thoughts are powerful and

Your choices are personal

No one needs to approve them 

Other than you. 

You know what you want to become 

You know what you are meant to become

You know how to reach there

So, please stop waiting

Stop waiting for living your best life

Stop waiting for someone’s appreciation 

Stop waiting to reach somewhere

Stop waiting for a sign

And start living as

Your most fabulous, bravest version of YOU. 

The next time you wait for someone’s approval or validation, I want you to remind yourself of this. You are brave enough to decide and approve yourself. You are brave enough to take that first step. You are brave enough to start living your bravest life. 

In another news – 

I have increased the pace of reading my books. I am now obsessed with reading all that I can to make my life happier, healthier, smarter and richer. And I am on fire! Whenever I read any book, I sit with my “Book Journal” and take down notes. I write nuggets of wisdom that I can refer to again. And during the day I reflect on how can I apply this wisdom to my life.

Reading in this style has been a game changer for me. These books and authors have become my mentors. I refer to them whenever I am stuck, want a new perspective or simply want to grow myself. And now I want to share all this wealth with you. 

Remember that book club I started a few moons back? So, that is going to be back with vengence. I am not going to write book reviews. Instead – I am going to share with you, what I learnt from that book. I am going to bring to you the notes from my book journal. And I am super pysched! 

So stay tuned for this feature in a new style – starting next week! 


So that is all from me for today. 

My reminder to myself today:

“Take a minute to cherish and celebrate this moment. It is soon becoming a memory.” 


If you liked reading today’s post, please do take a tiny miny second to like and share it. This way, I know I am not talking to myself and the internet black hole. 🙂 

Also – are you following me on Instagram? I have started this new feature of “Monday Motivation Coaching” which you don’t want to miss! 🙂 


Time to say bye.

Loads of love and inspiration and weekend vibes sending your way!

Nidhi xo